Content Filtering
Proudly serving Sterling Heights since 1994
XFER Communications is your trusted local content filtering services and solutions provider in the Sterling Heights, MI area. We provide content filtering consulting to help you to not only stop malware but also improve productivity. Contact us today to speak to a content filtering consultant.
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What Is Content Filtering?
Content filtering solutions are programs that filter content in emails and web pages to exclude those that seem malicious or objectionable. From homeowners to large corporations, it’s used in firewalls widely.
Our content filtering service identifies specified patterns in content to identify undesirable content. It then blocks users from accessing the content, keeping your network safe. Such patterns may include objects within images to text strings.
Content filtering services for organizations can be used to filter social-networking sites unrelated to work. Moreover, it can also serve as a security feature in your internet firewall.
Why You Should Care About Content Filtering
Today, employees rely on various digital tools to perform their roles. These include phones, tablets, and computers. Such devices can access the internet, which also hosts inappropriate, objectionable, and illegal content.
If such content finds its way into your system, it comes with many risks. These include:
- When users access spam sites, they open the window for malware to be installed on your computers.
- Spending too much time on social networking sites reduces employee productivity.
- If a user views pornographic materials in the office, it can expose the organization to sexual harassment claims.
- Accessing hate sites or those with violent content gives the company a bad image and may also put employees at risk.
As you can see, content filtering solutions are in the company's and employees' best interests. Moreover, it serves as a statement of intent and commitment to keeping objectionable content away from the workplace.
Content Filtering Services
The objective of our content filtering solution is to ensure no undesirable content makes it into your systems. This is why our experts have developed a solution with the most advanced features. These include:
- Blacklists and Whitelists
The first step in protecting your company from malware is to first deal with the known. There are websites known to have malicious content, and you can find such blacklists freely on the internet.
Our content filtering solution allows you to create blacklists, thus eliminating risks from known threats. You can also create whitelists. Websites under this category will always be allowed even if they do not fully meet your content filtering requirements.
- Category Blocking
Beyond specific sites, our category blocking feature allows you to prevent access to particular types of websites. You may do this for online shopping, sports sites, pornography, and video streaming sites.
- Keyword Filters
It's not always possible to block out all the sites in a particular niche using category blocking. With our content filtering services, you'll be able to go a step further with keyword filters. You can create custom filtering categories and implement them as needed.
- Minimal Latency
In essence, content filtering solutions act as an added layer when using the internet. Each time employees try to access a site; the system will review it against your blacklist and whitelist. If it's not in either, it will then use other parameters to review it.
Thanks to our advanced system, our solution offers minimal latency. This ensures there are no delays in accessing content that may affect user experience.
- Multi-Lingual Content
Filtering While English may be the official language, threats originate from all over the world. And, some of your employees may be multi-lingual. Even if that’s not the case, you can rest assured that you are safe from threats in other languages.
- Automatic Updates on Reports
As you can expect, content filtering solutions require review from time to time. The good thing with ours is that you can create a report schedule. This eliminates the need for personnel to manually run reports each week, saving them time.

Why Choose Us?
As a content filtering consulting firm, we are committed to keeping your company safe from undesirable content. This is why our services are continuous. Our team of content filtering consulting experts will be available to offer timely support. Therefore, should any challenges arise, you can be confident we'll help mitigate them.
Are you thinking of getting a content filtering solution? If so, you’re in the right place. Beyond a robust and feature-rich solution, you’ll also get a team of dedicated experts. Get in touch with us today for top-notch content filtering services.
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