31478 Industrial Road Suite 200, Livonia, Michigan 48150 sales@xfer.com



XFER has been serving the Livonia area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Combining Strategy with Proactivity Can Help You Avoid Downtime

Combining Strategy with Proactivity Can Help You Avoid Downtime

Your organization’s technology doesn’t do you any good if it is inaccessible. That’s why having a thoroughly thought-out and carefully implemented plan to proactively keep ahead of technology issues is so important. This month, we want to talk a little bit about technology-related downtime and how to keep it from being a royal pain in your business’ rear.

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Proactive Maintenance Can Keep Your Business Going


SMBs need to be sensitive to their profit margins, as their ability to offer valuable services and products is directly tied to how many resources they have at their disposal. Therefore, you need to do all you can to save money where it counts—including your IT budget. It makes the most sense to take care of your existing IT infrastructure so you don't have to throw away resources needlessly.

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Three Ways MSPs Help SMBs with IT Management


IT is pivotal to the success of any business. Still, for small and medium-sized businesses, there might be limitations placed on the organization's potential resources to cover its needs. Outsourcing IT responsibilities to a managed service provider is a viable option for improving the odds of finding success with technology management for SMBs. Here’s what your business can stand to gain from working with an MSP.

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Proactive IT vs Reactive IT

Proactive IT vs Reactive IT

You might hear us discuss the benefits of “proactive IT maintenance” all the time, but what does the word “proactive” really mean for technology management? Today, we want to demystify some of the jargon surrounding proactive IT and show you just how great of a value proposition it really is.

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The Right MSP Can Change Your Business for the Better

The Right MSP Can Change Your Business for the Better

Businesses that struggle with managing technology have a lot to gain by working with a managed service provider, or MSP. These providers are able to help businesses just like yours maintain and improve operations through the use of technology management tools and services. Here are three of the greatest benefits that working with an MSP can provide for businesses just like yours.

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Schools are Dangerously Valuable to Cybercriminals

Schools are Dangerously Valuable to Cybercriminals

It’s an unfortunate fact that cybercriminals are motivated to attack places that contain large volumes of sensitive data, but typically lack the budget or in-house skills to sufficiently protect it. It’s even more unfortunate that this description directly applies to many schools and school systems.

Let’s talk about what schools have to offer cybercriminals, and what they need to do as a result.

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Your Choice of IT Support Makes a Huge Difference

Your Choice of IT Support Makes a Huge Difference

Your business’ technology is critical to its productivity, but unfortunately, this technology can (and at some point, likely will) break. So, what do you do if and when it does?

Let’s go over some of the options that you have to consider.

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Technology Support is Crucial when IT is Everywhere

Technology Support is Crucial when IT is Everywhere

Most things in your office depend on technology in some way. That’s just the simple fact of life these days. Let’s examine just how much of your business depends on the technology that powers it and how companies increasingly depend on IT to manage the countless devices that have permeated the office environment.

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Vendor Management is a Challenge You Don’t Need to Tackle Alone

Vendor Management is a Challenge You Don’t Need to Tackle Alone

Any successful business likely has some kind of relationship with at least a few vendors as it likely depends on their services and available technology and supplies. Having said that, it can be truly challenging to juggle all these providers. How is it that this challenge can be overcome?

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Where MSP Services Come From

Where MSP Services Come From

For most people, the term tech support is pretty self-explanatory. The terms managed services and MSP… not so much. Let’s go over what makes managed services and what we do as a managed service provider so different from the IT support you may be used to. To start, we’ll review where the idea of an MSP came from, and end with what one like us can do for you.

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How Managed Services Developed into What They Are

How Managed Services Developed into What They Are

When you see that we offer tech support, you almost certainly have an idea of what that means. However, upon hearing about our typical service delivery for the first time, many people are really surprised by how different our services—as a managed service provider—are. These differences are not an accident. Let’s go back in time a little while to explore how managed services came about, and what difference they could make for you.

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Some of 2020’s Biggest Tech Flubs

Some of 2020’s Biggest Tech Flubs

It’s no secret that 2020 has been relatively tough on all of us, down to the technology that so many use and rely on each year. Now that we’re in the home stretch towards a hopefully better 2021, let’s look back at some of the technologies that didn’t deliver as promised and some of the other issues that we saw this year—some relatively harmless, and some decidedly not.

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Have You Applied the Recent Chrome Patches?

Have You Applied the Recent Chrome Patches?

Being told by an IT provider how important it is for you to update your software is probably a bit like your grade school teacher telling you how important it is to do your homework: of course they’re going to say it, it’s their job to do so. However, we’re telling you what the Department of Homeland Security announced when they released a warning to update your Google Chrome web browser.

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Improve Your Business With These Documentation Practices

Improve Your Business With These Documentation Practices

With the amount of technology that the modern business relies on today, each business needs to maintain comprehensive documentation outlining it. As a managed service provider, we can provide an expert perspective on what needs to be included in this documentation. Let’s get into it.

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Managed Services is Healthcare for Your IT

Managed Services is Healthcare for Your IT

Your business’ critical IT systems are on the fritz again, and you aren’t sure what’s causing the problem. Fortunately, you have access to help. When you don’t feel well, or something’s wrong with your body, you visit your healthcare provider. They’ll examine you, diagnose the problem, and prescribe a solution. This process has been in place for millennia. Much more recently, it was also adopted by a very different sector: the information technology industry in what is known as managed IT services. 

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How to Trim Your IT Support Expenses (But Keep Your IT)

How to Trim Your IT Support Expenses (But Keep Your IT)

When a budget comes into play, it is important to remember that there are a few ways that you can adjust it beyond eliminating line items. For instance, you can instead optimize some of the most egregious financial requirements your technology has--its support costs--by translating the unpredictably variable costs you likely deal with now for your support, to the much more sustainable agreement that a managed service provider will operate through.

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Why Your Technology Needs Upkeep, Updates, and Upgrades

Why Your Technology Needs Upkeep, Updates, and Upgrades

There is no question that today’s business operations require technology, but even that doesn’t tell the whole story. Not only do businesses need technology, they need to maintain this technology as well. Below, we’ll review the three basic steps to technology maintenance… and how we can help simplify these steps for you.

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There’s Value in Outsourcing Your IT, Part III

There’s Value in Outsourcing Your IT, Part III

When you need something done that requires a level of skill or experience or knowledge that you don’t have, what do you do? Generally, you call in someone who has the required skill, experience, or knowledge that is required. Your business’ information technology strategy should be approached in the same way. As we continue our series on how managed services can make a business more efficient, we’re considering consultants.

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Clearing Up a Few Common MSP Misunderstandings

Clearing Up a Few Common MSP Misunderstandings

Let’s be real: the title “managed service provider” doesn’t cast much insight into what we do on a daily basis. Even when people understand what we do, there are a lot of parts that confuse them and lead them to false conclusions. As a result, we wanted to take a few minutes and go over what it is that we do for our clients.

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Tip of the Week: Avoiding Scams

Tip of the Week: Avoiding Scams

Uh oh. One of your employees sat down at their workstation and was presented with a pop-up telling them that Microsoft has detected a fatal issue with their workstation, and if they don’t let someone remote in to fix it, all of their data will be lost. This could be a serious problem… especially if your employee falls for this scam and lets in a threat.

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XFER Communications, Inc.
31478 Industrial Road Suite 200
Livonia, Michigan 48150