31478 Industrial Road Suite 200, Livonia, Michigan 48150 sales@xfer.com



XFER has been serving the Livonia area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Conquering Business Challenges

Conquering Business Challenges

Adversity is pervasive throughout business. Every administrator, manager, and employee deals with some form of adversity during the course of business. Overcoming these problematic scenarios is key to keeping operations running efficiently and creating the environment to keep adversity at bay. Let’s look at some of the strategies it takes to rise up against the adversity you may (and probably will) encounter in business.

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How to Set SMART Goals for Your Business

How to Set SMART Goals for Your Business

If you want your business to thrive, then you need to set goals that allow it to do so. Today, we want to explore a framework for goal setting that your business can benefit from: the SMART goal framework.

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Technology is the Long-Term Fix for Operational Inefficiencies

Technology is the Long-Term Fix for Operational Inefficiencies

For modern businesses, staying as efficient as possible is mandatory for optimal productivity. By eliminating inefficiencies, small businesses can stay competitive. One effective strategy is to streamline processes through implementing tools that fuel automation.

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Getting Your Staff to Take Responsibility Can Be Tough

Getting Your Staff to Take Responsibility Can Be Tough

When most people pick a job, they understand that the work they will be doing will often have them doing things that may occasionally make them feel frustrated. Most people don’t go to school for clerical work and mundane tasks and often don’t understand why it’s their responsibility to forgo their training to complete tasks that untrained people could do. This lack of understanding about running a secure and reliable business is a central sticking point for many organizations.

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How Does Remote Work Fare in a Post-Pandemic World?

How Does Remote Work Fare in a Post-Pandemic World?

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, business owners considered remote work a forbidden fruit. If employees got a taste, they would only want more of it. Nowadays, remote work is a bit more commonplace, no doubt as a result of the pandemic forcing most knowledge workers into some sort of remote work arrangement. How have companies adjusted to this new reality? Let’s look at the numbers.

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Power Up Your Business with These Three Technology Tools


With business technology, your company can reap countless benefits, but at the same time, failing to implement the right tools—or worse, implementing the wrong tools altogether—can have devastating consequences. Today, we want to help you understand how you can make the best, most educated decisions regarding your business technology needs while avoiding investments in technology that won’t pay dividends.

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Use Google Docs Templates to Speed Up the Document Creation Process


If you regularly use Google Docs, you may already be familiar with templates. They can be a quick and efficient way to create certain types of documents that you often use. With several prebuilt into Docs already, you might wonder if you can make your own, and it turns out you can!

Let’s discuss how you can use Google Docs templates and how to make your own. First, we’ll look at what types of elements you might need to implement for your templates, and then we’ll get into the details of how to do it!

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Eyestrain? Start Looking for Dark Mode on Your Devices

Eyestrain? Start Looking for Dark Mode on Your Devices

The concept of dark mode has saturated the technological ecosystem and consciousness and is being incorporated by software and hardware vendors alike. Although embraced by vendors and users as a needed feature, the question remains, is there a benefit to dark mode?

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Access to Data Often Creates Opportunities for Workers

Access to Data Often Creates Opportunities for Workers

Every business relies on some sort of productivity. Whether it’s sales, manufacturing, distributing, managing, or support. If you are looking for a way to get more from your staff, giving them direct access to all the data they need to do their job properly can go a long way toward putting them in a position to succeed.

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Some Businesses Don’t Need Every Bell and Whistle

Some Businesses Don’t Need Every Bell and Whistle

When you decided to start your business, you had to be overwhelmed with everything that you had to do just to get it off the ground. If you are like many entrepreneurs, getting a product to market was the aim then, but as business continues and your organization grows, it’s likely that you’ve looked to technology as a benefit. So, when does the amount of technology you have become a hindrance to your bottom line? We will take a look at what happens when an organization takes their love of technology too far.

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Is Streaming Cutting Into Your Business’ Productivity?

Is Streaming Cutting Into Your Business’ Productivity?

Streaming in the office is a topic of hot debate amongst business owners, and for good reason. Depending on the type of media being streamed, it can either enhance or hinder office productivity. What does your company need to know about streaming, and what you can do about employees who can’t resist the urge?

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How to Keep Your Staff from Shopping from the Office

How to Keep Your Staff from Shopping from the Office

Since eCommerce has experienced a surge in popularity, your employees might be tempted to get their holiday shopping out of the way as soon as possible by doing a little bit of browsing during your hours of operation. Depending on your business’s policies regarding personal Internet usage during office hours, you may need to take action against those who abuse the privilege.

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3 Ways the Internet is Changing Things, for Better AND for Worse

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_pros_cons_400.jpgWe’ve all become so adapted to the conveniences of the Internet that it’s difficult to remember what society was like before it. This becomes especially obvious when watching old movies. How odd is it to see characters do pre-Internet activities like go to the library to research information and use a phone book? These are just some of the ways that the Internet has dramatically changed society, for better and perhaps for worse.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways to Be Productive When Your Internet Connection Fails

b2ap3_thumbnail_no_internet_400.jpgModern businesses are reliant on certain parts of their infrastructure to keep operations functioning. For example, if your building’s electricity were to go down, what would you do? What about if you lost Internet access? Would your business be able to keep your employees busy, or would the downtime experienced be enough to cause panic?

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Tip of the Week: How to Make an Animated Image From Your Favorite YouTube Video

b2ap3_thumbnail_animate_your_gifs_400.jpgGIFs. What are they? If you’ve spent any time perusing the Internet, you’ve definitely come across a GIF or two. Essentially, a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an animated picture that loops a few seconds of a video clip (without playing any audio). In addition to GIFs being fun, they can serve as a great way to enhance digital communications. How can you take advantage of GIFs?

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Here’s the Best Way to Safeguard Your Computers From Power Outages

b2ap3_thumbnail_uninterrupted_power_supply_400.jpgWhen it comes to purchasing the best technology to protect your business, you should consider an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) device. The reasoning is simple; they help your organization avoid data loss, and aid in business continuity. Here’s what you need to know about UPS devices.

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Tip of the Week: Take Advantage of Your Mouse’s “Snap To” Feature

b2ap3_thumbnail_snap_to_mouse_400.jpgComputers are designed to save people significant time when it comes to getting work done, and with a few simple tweaks and adjustments, you can trim even more seconds off a project, which really adds up in terms of gaining productivity. Your PC’s Snap To mouse feature is a classic example of this.

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4 Ways the Cloud Can Help Your Business Reach Greater Heights

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computing_great_for_you_400.jpgCloud computing is sweeping the technology industry, and it’s easy to see why. It provides an immense versatility and productivity that we could only have dreamed of ten years ago. However, some organizations are still hesitant about implementing this game-changing concept into their technology infrastructure. One of the most common reasons is because businesses don’t actually know what the cloud can do for them.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Essential Bluetooth Devices for Your Smartphone

b2ap3_thumbnail_tablets_for_works_400.jpgIf you’ve ever taken your gadgets on the go for work purposes, you might have found that it’s somewhat difficult to get anything done with the limited computing potential of a smartphone or tablet. However, with the right technology, you can take full advantage of your mobile devices, especially if you’re using Windows 10 with its full Microsoft Office suite (Want to know if Windows 10 is right for your business? Reach out to us before you upgrade).

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How You Can Get Smart and Save Money on Knowledge Management

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_knowledge_management_400.jpgIn order to perform their jobs to the best of their ability, your staff need to access mission-critical data in a moment’s notice. One of the best ways you can help your employees work their best is to ensure that any information they need to do their jobs is immediately available. Do you make this a priority, or deal with this issue as the problems arise?

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XFER Communications, Inc.
31478 Industrial Road Suite 200
Livonia, Michigan 48150